Instagram Updates That We Have All Been Waiting For

Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms. This is because of its facilities, such as businesses promoting their brands, people sharing posts, and more. Instagram updates keep surprising us because they change the algorithms and make the application helpful for users. However, this year’s Instagram updates have arrived, and we have been waiting for these updates for years. 

Furthermore, these updates are useful for growing influencers and businesses. As social media users, we are responsible for tracking the updates because they are beneficial. So, let’s check out the application’s updated features and their uses.

Top 7 Instagram Updates of the Year

Here are the top seven Instagram updates in 2024 that are important for your business and helpful for digital creators. 

1. Add songs and notes to your profile

According to the new update on Instagram, you can now add songs and notes to your profile. However, if your account is private, it will only show to your followers. The songs you add to the profile should be less than 30 seconds, and notes are limited to 60 characters. Add a song or note to your profile, follow the below steps:

To add a song:

  • Update your Instagram application
  • Visit to your profile
  • Click on the Add Notes section
  • Click on the music icon 
  • Choose your song and click on done option
  • Add notes (optional)
  • Click on share

To add a note:

  • Update your Instagram application
  • Visit to your profile
  • Click on the Add Notes section
  • Write your thoughts 
  • Click on share

2. Users can pin and edit the chats 

In the new update of 2024, users can now pin any chat or message on the page. It helps users easily reach important contacts on Instagram. It also allows you to pin chats that contain important information such as passwords, dates of birth, or anything else. Users can edit the chat, but it is only available for 15 minutes after sending the text. 

Follow the below steps:

  • Update your Instagram application
  • Visit the chat section
  • Hold on to the chat and click on the pin
  • To pin or edit the conversation, hold the chat and click on pin or edit

3. Users can add 20 photos 

After the important Instagram updates in 2024, users can now share extra moments with their followers, adding up to 20 photos or videos in one post. With this update, users now have the freedom to share multiple photo posts. The carousel feature benefits businesses as they can show more pictures of their product to their audiences. 

4. Product overlay ads in Reels

While scrolling reels on Instagram, ads appear. This is because of the July Instagram updates 2024. Users may find ad interruptions between reels in this update. This feature benefits businesses as they have found another way to connect with their audiences. However, the ads are based on the type of advertisement, such as non-personalised and personalised. Also, you can use the best reel editing apps for productive reels.

5. Meta’s AI-version personas

According to Instagram updates, Meta has launched an AI version of Instagram through which influencers can talk to fans on their behalf. This is also helpful for businesses as it is time-effective and contributes to growth because AI chatbots explain the purpose in depth. However, you can use the chatbot for searching purposes. 

6. Livestream with Close Friends

In the June Instagram update 2024, users can live stream only with their close friends. This feature is one of Instagram’s best features, as it helps you with privacy and security. It makes your livestream more intimate and safe between you and your people. You can start live streaming with your close friends if you are still running a business profile. 

Follow the below steps: 

  • Update your Instagram application
  • Before starting your livestream, choose “close friends.”
  • Add the friend you want in your stream

7. 60-second Instagram story and Add mention later

In the Instagram updates, a new feature has been added that allows users to add a story that lasts 60 seconds. It also allows users to add songs, videos, photos, and more that can stay for longer. However, users were allowed to put a story for 15 seconds before the update. 

Moreover, another update is that if you are writing a story and forget to mention your friend’s ID, you can do it later. For example, if you forget to add their ID to your friend’s birthday, you can do it later. 

To add your friend’s ID, follow the below steps:

  • Put the story
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Click on “Add to mention”
  • Mention the ID of the person

Bottom Line

Instagram regularly surprises us with its updates. However, 2024 Instagram updates played an important role for its users. The reason? We have been waiting for some updates for years, such as adding mentions, editing text, adding up to 20 photos, and more. Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, keeps giving hints for upcoming updates. 

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