Troubleshooting error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

The error notification “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported” occurs while dealing with Node.js. If you also have encountered such an error, you are not alone. This error is associated with the OpenSSL version of Node.js and the cryptographic algorithm. Let’s look at how we can troubleshoot this issue.

Understanding the Error:0308010C:digital Envelope Routines::unsupported

This error suggests an unsupported configuration within the cryptographic library routine. This is the cryptography that Node.js relies on for secure network communication and cryptographic operations. Specifically, it’s related to OpenSSL, an important component for implementing these operations in Node.js.

Common Causes of the Error

1. Incompatible Node.js Version: Using a Node.js version that is not compatible with the system’s OpenSSL configuration can lead to this error.

2. Deprecated Algorithms: Older cryptographic algorithms that are no longer supported by the current OpenSSL version in Node.js. This incompatibility can cause this error.

3. Environment Variables: Incorrectly configured environment variables can lead to compatibility problems, resulting in this error.

Steps to Fix the error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

There are various ways to Fix the error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

  1. Upgrade or Downgrade Node.js

One of the best ways to resolve this issue is by adjusting your Node.js version.

  • Upgrade Node.js:

Ensure you are using the latest stable version of Node.js. You can install the latest version using Node Version Manager (nvm) with the following command:

nvm install node

  • Downgrade Node.js:  

If upgrading doesn’t help or if you’ve recently upgraded and encountered this error, try downgrading to a previous version:

nvm install 16

nvm use 16

2. Set Node.js to Use OpenSSL Legacy Provider

Starting from Node.js v17, some algorithms and functions are disabled by default due to changes in OpenSSL 3.0. You can re-enable these functions by setting Node.js to use the OpenSSL legacy provider.

  • Set the Environment Variable:  

  Add the following line to your terminal or shell profile (e.g., `~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc`):

  export NODE_OPTIONS=–openssl-legacy-provider

  • Modify Your Scripts:  

  Alternatively, you can add this line directly to your Node.js start scripts:


  “scripts”: {

      “start”: “node –openssl-legacy-provider your-script.js”


3. Update Your Code

If deprecated or unsupported cryptographic algorithms are causing the issue, you may need to update your code to use supported algorithms.

  • Check for Deprecated Functions:  

Ensure that you’re not using deprecated functions in the crypto module:


  const crypto = require(‘crypto’);

  const hash = crypto.createHash(‘sha256’);

  hash.update(‘some data to hash’);



4. Reinstall Node Modules

Sometimes, the error can be resolved by reinstalling the node modules, especially if they were built using a different Node.js or OpenSSL version.

  • Remove and Reinstall Node Modules:  

Remove the existing node modules and reinstall them:

  rm -rf node_modules

  npm install


5. Check for Native Module Compatibility

If your project uses native modules, ensure they are compatible with your Node.js version.

  • Rebuild Native Modules:  

Rebuild the native modules with the following command:

  npm rebuild


The “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported” in Node.js is often related to OpenSSL compatibility issues. By upgrading or downgrading Node.js, enabling the OpenSSL legacy provider, updating your code, reinstalling node modules, and ensuring native module compatibility, you can effectively troubleshoot this error. Always keep your environment and dependencies up to date to avoid such issues in the future.

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