Best Cloud Computing Security Tools For Security of Organisations

Cloud computing is a software solution that secures cloud computers’ data, storage and databases. Many cloud computing security tools are present to protect data. These tools are responsible for many purposes, such as physical, network, platform and data security. It also monitors the suspicious actions on cloud computing. 

Furthermore, cloud computing has many benefits, such as cost-effectiveness, improved productivity and increased security. Cloud security tools are necessary for organisations and individuals to protect data security. Let’s check the important tools in cloud computing security. 

7 Best Cloud Computing Security Tools

Here are the seven best cloud security tools which help protect data and enhance data security. Let’s examine the tools. 

1. CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management)

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is software that uses APIs to improve security posture in a cloud environment. It automatically identifies suspicious actions, risks, and threats in the cloud. CSPM is important because it offers productivity. However, it is open to the internet, so cybersecurity threats are highly likely. Cybersecurity tools are also helpful for it. 

The benefit of CSPM is that it addresses risks before attacks. It identifies misconfigurations and security gaps. Also, it checks the cloud system’s settings and enhances security. It is beneficial as it conducts automated corrections and policy applications. However, it monitors servers, databases, or apps. 

2. CWPP (Cloud Workload Protection Platform)

Cloud Workload Protection Platform is software that runs on the cloud environment’s servers. It monitors and detects malicious activities like IDS, IPS, and more. This platform’s main function is to detect suspicious activities on the cloud and report them to the organisation’s security team. It audits the cloud environment and checks the malware. 

Furthermore, CWPP enhances security, reduces malware risks, and increases security management for cloud workloads. It is important to check that CWPP works with your cloud platform, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. 

3. CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker)

Cloud Access Security Broker is between cloud application users and service providers. It handles data, security, and threat protection. It prevents data leakage, malware and other types of threats. Moreover, it offers security measures such as encryption, access control, and threat prevention.

It also secures cybersecurity, data protection, and more. It has benefits such as security, threat detection, and prevention. However, it also helps prevent data loss and manage cloud app usage.

4. CDR (Cloud Detection and Response)

Cloud Detection and Response is one of the best cloud security tools. It identifies, analyses, and responds to security threats within a cloud environment. It uses cloud security environments, for multi-cloud complexity, dynamic infrastructure, and API-driven interactions. 

Furthermore, it allows users to check cloud-native components such as VMs, containers, cloud networking, and storage nodes. It also detects and analyses the threats. CDR has many benefits, such as fast response time, improved security posture and more. 

5. CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management)

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management is among the cloud computing security tools. It manages the permissions of identities and users. It can access the product on which the organisation is running. However, it reduces the risk of data breaches by terminating unauthorised access. It gives insight into the user’s activities and access. 

6. DSPM (Data Security Posture Management)

Data Security Posture Management is used to identify data in multiple cloud environments. It protects sensitive data from access to unauthorised applications. The main work of DSPM is to detect and block this unauthorised access. It manages and improves the security posture of the data. DSPM helps the organisation by detecting unnotified access and data protection policies. 

It monitors data security posture, detects data risk, and responds to cyber threats. DSPM benefits include protection against insider threats, detection and repairing data breach risks, and more. 

7. API Security

API Security is among the cloud security tools. It protects APIs from unauthorised access. The API helps manage traffic, authentication, and authorisation. It also helps protect API keys from malware and scams. However, improving security and authorisation protects the API. 

Bottom Line

Cloud computing security tools are important for organisations’ data security. They help identify unauthorised activities, which helps protect data from breaches. Furthermore, these cloud security tools are important for every organisation.

Also read our blog: Complete Guide To Become A Cybersecurity Engineers In 2024

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