A Complete Guide of Basic and Advanced Shortcut Keys of Computer 

The computer is an important technological tool helping millions of people with its features. As it became advanced, developers added shortcut keys of computer, which made the task easy for the user. If you are new to the world of computers, then you may be unaware of magical shortcuts that can save you time, too. Whether you are a school student or a software developer in MNC, everyone is looking for time-effective options. So, here I’m explaining the basic and advanced, PC shortcut keys that can be helpful with your task completion. 

Basic Shortcut Keys of Computer

We will learn about all PC shortcut keys that we use for any document. Furthermore, you can use them on all PCs, such as macOS, Windows, etc. Let’s check out the computer shortcut keys list:

ShortcutsFunctionUse Case
Ctrl + ASelect AllSelects all text present on the document
Ctrl + BBoldMakes the text bold
Ctrl + CCopyCopies the selected text or image
Ctrl + DDuplicateCreates a duplicate of the selected article
Ctrl + EEditEnables editing
Ctrl + FFindSearches for any word or phrase present in the document
Ctrl + GGo toDirects to any specific location
Ctrl + HReplaceReplaces character with another character
Ctrl + IItalicizeTurns normal text into selected one
Ctrl + JJustifyJustifies the paragraph by aligning it to the left or right sides of the sheet
Ctrl + KInsert HyperlinkCreates hyperlinks on any word
Ctrl + LAlign LeftSets text to the left side of the page 
Ctrl + MMinimizeIndent the paragraph
Ctrl + NNewCreates a new file, document, or tab
Ctrl + OOpenOpens a current document 
Ctrl + PPrintPrints the current document
Ctrl + QQuitCloses the application
Ctrl + RRefreshReloads or refreshes the page
Ctrl + SSaveTo save the document or file
Ctrl + TTabOpen another tab
Ctrl + UUnderlineUnderline the text
Ctrl + VPastePastes the copied or cut text
Ctrl + WCloseCloses the current tab
Ctrl + XCutRemoves and copies the selected article
Ctrl + YRedoRepeat the last undone action 
Ctrl + ZUndoReverses the last performed action 

MS Office and Google Docs Shortcut Keys of Computer

Let’s learn the basic shortcut keys of computers we can use in MS Office and Google Docs. Moreover, MS Office includes many tools, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more, and each has different tasks. Similarly, Google Docs also requires some basic shortcuts for the document. But the computer shortcut keys list we are explaining is required in MS Office tools and Google Docs. Let’s check them out:

Shortcut KeyUse Case
Ctrl + NNew Document
Ctrl + OOpen Document
Ctrl + SSave Document
Ctrl + PPrint Document
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + POpen print dialog
Ctrl + F2Print preview

MS Word Shortcut Keys of Computer

Here are some of the basic MS Word PC shortcut keys mentioned below: 

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + F3Cut to the Spike
Ctrl + F4Close the active document
Ctrl + F5Restore the document window size
Ctrl + F6Switch between open documents
Ctrl + F7Activate the Spelling and Grammar check
Ctrl + F8Extend a selection
Ctrl + F9Insert an empty field
Ctrl + F10Maximize the document window
Ctrl + F11Lock a field
Ctrl + F12Open the “Save As” dialog box

MS Excel Computer Shortcut Keys List

Check out the MS Excel computer shortcut keys list:

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + Arrow keysMove to the edge of the data region
Ctrl + SpaceSelect entire column
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Increases the size of the sheet
Ctrl + “-“Decreases the size of the sheet
Ctrl + Shift + “$”Apply currency format
Ctrl + Shift + “%”Apply percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + “#”Apply date format
Ctrl + E,S,VPaste special
Ctrl + DPaste the above mentioned text on the sheet
Ctrl + RFill left

PowerPoint Short Keys of Computer

Let’s check out the PowerPoint computer shortcut keys list that is important:

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + EnterInsert a new slide
Ctrl + MInsert a new slide in slide sorter view
F5Start the presentation
Ctrl + F5Start the presentation from the current slide
Alt + Shift + Left ArrowPromote a paragraph
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowDemote a paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Insert a new slide
Ctrl + DDuplicate the selected slide
Ctrl + ECenter align text

Quick Keyboard Shortcuts

Let’s check out some quick keyboard shortcuts with which you can quickly complete your tasks. 

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + Alt + DelOpen Windows security
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen task manager
Ctrl + Shift + TOpens the current tab in another tab
Ctrl + Shift + NOpens incognito tab
Ctrl + Shift + DeleteDeletes browsing data
Ctrl + Shift + BToggle the bookmarks bar in browsers
Ctrl + Shift + ECenter align selected text in Word
Ctrl + Shift + LInserts bullet points
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste straightway without formatting

Bottom Line

Shortcuts are important as they help in completing the task easily and effortlessly. Furthermore, there are over 500 shortcut keys of the computer that you can use on any PC. These keys also enhance productivity and improve workflow. We have covered all the basic and advanced PC shortcut keys that are helpful in doing tasks on MS Office and Google Docs, too.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques: What are the 7 special keys in a keyboard?

Ans: The seven special keys on a keyboard are Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and the Windows key.

Ques: What is the F5 key used for?

Ans: F5 key is used for reloading the active page. 

Ques: What are the 5 types of keys?

Ans: The five types of keys are typing keys, control keys, function keys, navigation keys, and numeric keypad.

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