AI Presentation Makers For Free: Best Presentation Maker

Have you ever wondered why you invest so much time in making a presentation? Of course, to make it look beautiful and explain things. However, we have AI presentation makers that reduce the burden. With the help of this AI, you can create unlimited presentations in less than an hour. We are grateful that we have Artificial Intelligence among us. 

Furthermore, AI’s contributions have made our lives easy. Now, you can prepare your school, college, or office presentation with them. However, these AI presentations increase your value at your workplace with neat explanations. Let’s check some of the best AI presentation makers with freemium versions. 

6 Best AI Presentation Makers 

Here, we will check out the best presentation maker, which uses AI for free and with some pricing. So, let’s see. 

1. Beautiful.AI

Beautiful.AI is a free AI presentation generator. To make a presentation, you must add content to the slides. Beautiful.AI helps you create the presentation in a few steps. It also has a library of templates, which you can change, edit, and include other design elements. This tool should be on your list if you begin making presentations. 

However, the free version offers limited facilities such as a library and design. The premium version starts at $12/month for individuals and $40/month for teams. One of the best parts about this tool is that it edits the design elements easily. But some features, like image tabs, are difficult to find. 

2. Tome

Tome is one of the best AI presentation makers for free. With this presentation generator, you can edit your text and generate images. It also helps in analysing your presentation. It is because of the dynamic design texter, AI image generator, presentation analytics, and design assistance. You can import any document from Google Docs, Figma, or Adobe Creative Cloud. 

Furthermore, the basic version is free, and the pro version is available for $16/month. This presentation generator is one of the best tools if you have an existing document. However, editing the texts takes time. 

3. Gamma

Gamma is one of the best AI presentation makers for free that creates presentations, documents, and websites. It does not require coding skills and allows you to create unlimited presentations at no cost. The generator features drag-and-drop, customisable templates, various output formats, and more. Users can also pick the number of slides.

Furthermore, it allows users to choose design, layout, and other features. However, it does not allow users to transfer the presentation to Google Slides. If users want to export the file, they can export it as a PDF or PowerPoint document. This generator is easy to use and helpful for organisation. It is free to use, but unlocking extra facilities costs $8/month. 

4. Canvas Magic Studio

Canvas Magic Studio is part of Canva and is a tool for making presentations. The tool has thousands of free templates, free creation of images, icons, and graphics, and access to any device. It also has a collection of languages, so you can adjust the language according to your preference and use it in the presentation. 

Also, if you have a Canva Pro, this tool provides all the extra facilities. However, users cannot enter the full prompt. Whenever you enter the prompt, it may show another type of presentation not aligned with your demands. It has a free version, and the premium version costs $15/month for creation. 

5. Plus AI

Plus AI is one of the best AI presentation makers. This tool supports multiple languages. You can enter the prompt or upload a PDF or document. It has features such as Google Add-on, translating slides, creating and rewriting slides, co-creating with slides, and more. 

Furthermore, Plus AI has one of the best features for uploading various file formats but is available only for users with premium plans. The premium plan for this generator starts at $20/month, and the basic plan costs $10/month. 

6. Slides AI

Slides AI is an AI presentation generator that helps users generate free presentations. The users have to add the text into Slides AI. After that, this AI generator will generate the presentation by adding layout, design, and other features. This AI has more than 100 languages, which helps generate presentations in many languages. 

Furthermore, the best part about this presentation is that it makes presentations on Google Slides Workplace. The basic version is free, but the $10/month and premium is for $10/month. 

Final Line

AI presentation makers help make presentations, and the best part is that they are time-effective. However, the above-mentioned AI presentation generator helps in generating quality presentations. So now you will increase your value and knowledge and make people remember your presentation in school, college, and your job.

Also Read About: Get AI Voice Generator For Free: Convert Text to Speech

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