Understanding the Types of Cyber Security

Cyber security can be described as the process of safeguarding information and computer systems’ data from access and invasion by any unauthorized personnel. However, there are many types of cyber security. Since the threats are emerging in sheer numbers and becoming challenging, it is important to know the categories of cyber security that protect against such threats.

Popular Types of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are becoming challenging to fight with because each day some new kind of attack is being identified. Some of the common types of cyber attacks in network security and other cyber security areas are as follows:

  • Phishing
  • MITM attacks
  • Ransomware
  • SQL injection
  • Malware
  • Spoofing
  • DNS tunneling
  • Exploits
  • Endpoint attacks

Common Types of Cyber Security

With emerging cyber threats, cyber security also needs to become smarter. Categorizing these securities can lead to better planning and execution, safeguarding the digital landscape from threats, breaches, and other internet attacks. Here is a clear breakdown of the types of cyber security: 

1. Network Security

Network security is of paramount important particularly in protecting the data and the systems in an organization’s network. It entails the use of firewalls, IDSs, encryption, and controls in order to minimize threats and shut out the potential intruders. It is also important to ensure that systems are updated often and ‘checked up on’ in order to minimize vulnerabilities.

2. Endpoint Security

This is about securing specific host endpoints such as computers, mobile phones, tablets among other gadgets. Such devices can act as a gateway that will allow cybercriminals to gain access to a network or a computer system. Other measures and safeguards include using anti-virus software, device encryption as well as the remote monitoring in the defense against malware and phishing among others. Endpoint protection is an important factor that should be considered in order to protect the whole network area.

3. Information Security

Information security on the other hand is established to prevent unauthorized access or even breaches in computer based resources and information. It guarantees that the information to be disclosed is not accessed by unauthorized persons as well as being protected and retrievable when needed. Some of them are firewalls, encryption, and access controls besides constant scanning to identify threats and take measures.

4. Cloud Security

The cloud security is the effort of safeguarding data and applications that are stored in cloud. Despite the fact that cloud providers have very strong security features organizations also have to implement security measures. This includes risk identification and risk analysis, compliance check, monitoring and risk mitigation to protect the data being held in the cloud.

5. IoT Security

IoT security guards IoT known as the Internet of Things. It involves giving security to IoT devices like smart thermostats, and industrial sensors, among others. These devices can be at serious risk so device authentication, encryption, and secure channels of communication should be employed. The proactivity of performance incorporates the aspect of scrutinization and frequency to counter new risks and secure data.

6. Mobile Security

Mobile security is defined as the effort to shield mobile devices, especially smart ones such as smartphones and tablets, against various dangers. This includes the use of Personal Identification numbers, fingerprints, facial identification, and encryption as a form of security against unauthorized access. Mobile security also entails app security; this means looking at permissions, and apps should be from authentic sources. It is very important to be up to date with mobile threats so as not to compromise on personal and corporate data.

7. Identity & Access Management (IAM)

IAM deals with the identity of an individual with regard to computers and how they get to access an organization’s information systems. IAM systems are also responsible for managing the user identity. It access control to make sure that only accredited persons should be granted access. This system is effective in countering insider threats, and managing user access & identities, and managing data protection requirements.

The Bottom Line: 

These types of cyber security are important in shaping organizations’ or individuals’ defense and safeguarding information in today’s technology-driven society.

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