Interesting Technology Facts That You Might Didn’t Know

Technology is full of interests and mysteries that we all know. But you may be unaware of some of the facts about technology. You can share these facts with your friends, families, and teachers. Technology and innovation grow alongside each other. However, through innovation, some of the facts need to be included. 

Humans have worked on technology for years; now is the time to expose secrets. Furthermore, we will learn those leftover facts that this generation never knew. These eye-opening facts are the answers to questions that arise in your brain. So, without further ado, let’s see 10 interesting facts about technology. 

10 Funny and Interesting Technology Facts

Here are some of the curious facts that are important to know. These facts will give you another way to see more about the world. 

1. Computer Viruses

Every attacker and hacker creates more than 6,000 new viruses every month. Of these 6,000 viruses, 90% spread through emails. It was not always like this; there used to be 50 viruses in 1990. Furthermore, these viruses are breaching the privacy of organisations and individuals. Cybersecurity tools have been implemented to fight against these viruses. 

2. QWERTY Keyboard

Have you ever wondered why the keyboard format is not in ABCD but QWERTY? There is a major reason behind this: in ancient times, typewriters used to type fast, which caused the keys to jam. To end this problem, the QWERTY format was introduced. 

The format became popular globally because the alphabets are far apart, causing slow typing. When computers and laptops are introduced, the same formatting is applied to them.

3. Water Integrator

In 1936, Soviet engineer Vladimir Sergeevich Lukyanov built the Water Integrator machine, which ran on water. This machine was different from ordinary machines that work with wires and materials. They added an interconnected pipe with flowing water that helps with calculations. 

Furthermore, the water integrator could solve partial differential equations, which are complex mathematical problems in engineering and physics. The water level represents the numbers in fractions of millimetres. It is one of the best technology facts

4. 92% Digital Currency

Yes, you heard right. 92% of currency is digital. In this generation, people prefer digital money over cash and bills. We spend digital money on goods and services through credit or debit cards or online payments. If we talk in-depth, cryptocurrency and bitcoins are also digital money. Digital dominance is not just in one country but globally. We use only 8% cash worldwide. 

5. Free domain before 1995

Domain name registration was free before 1995. Network Solutions, a company, converted the free domain into a paid one. Domain registration was expensive in the early 20s but is cheaper today. GoDaddy and Namecheap are the companies through which owners buy domain names. 

The reason behind paid services is that people have yet to imagine the internet will take over the world. When the paid version was introduced, domain name registration cost $100 for two years. 

6. Bots maintain Wikipedia

We have been using Wikipedia to complete our assignments. But do you know? Bots maintain Wikipedia, but the humans. Over 3000 bots continuously crawl Wikipedia and manage over 52 million pages. The main tasks of these bots are spelling check, page creation, and font change. 

Moreover, Wikipedia works on donations, so it does not run ads. 

7. Foxfire

You must have seen the Mozilla Foxfire web browser and the animal on the logo. But that animal is not a fox but a Red Panda. This is one of the best fun facts about technology. Firefox is another name for these Red Panda given by China. Many still believe it is a fox, but here is the truth. 

8. Google Facts

There are two facts about Google: First, Google is the leading and dominant search engine. But there was a time when Google was on sale in 1999. Former CEO of Google, Larry Page, wanted to sell Google to Excite. The reason behind selling was the decline time of Google. Today, Google’s market capital is $700 billion. 

Secondly, Google’s name was set to Googol. However, the name was set to Google due to some mistake, and no one has corrected it. 

9. is not real

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos tried multiple names before officially naming it “” The first name registered was Cadabra Inc., but the team did not like the name as it was too faint. Later, it was named,,,, and But the domain name was finalised with 

Bezos liked the domain name and decided to keep it. Today, whenever people search for, they go directly to 

10. Which one is older, Samsung or Apple?

Well, Samsung is 38 years and one month older than Apple. But, people do not believe it because Apple uses the right strategies compared to Samsung. Apple has grown and become one of the most dominant in the technology field. 

Bottom Line

There are many popular technology facts that many people need to be aware of. However, these facts can be considered general knowledge. Many secrets about Apple, Google, Samsung, and Firefox are now in front of you. These fun facts about technology are popular globally.

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