How to Uninstall Apps on Mac? Some Tips for a complete removal

If your Mac does not have enough space, free it first. However, the uninstalling process on a Mac is challenging for a beginner. So, how to uninstall apps on Mac? Well, it is easy, and you will learn it quickly. 

Clicking the delete icon deletes all your services from the disk. No, not at all. To keep the storage, you have to delete it from your hardware. Let’s learn through some tips.  

Tips To Delete Apps On Mac

There are many ways to uninstall programs on mac, which helps free space and storage. However, it is also important to run the system smoothly. 

1. How to uninstall apps on Mac with trash?

It is one of the simplest methods to uninstall the applications. It includes simple steps that help free up space in the device. To remove apps simply with trash:

Method 1:

1. Click on the finder 

2. Search the application you want to uninstall

3. Click on the app

4. Press command + delete

5. Clik on the empty button

Method 2:

1. Click on the finder

2. Search the application you want to delete

3. Drag it to the trash option

4. Empty the trash in the trash option

5. The application is successfully uninstalled

2. How to uninstall apps on Mac with CleanMyMacX?

CleanMyMacX is one of the most popular third-party applications. It offers a feature to uninstall and clean the apps. It not only uninstalls the applications but also the related files. This application comes with an uninstaller module. The module not only helps with cleaning but also frees up space.

1. Download the free and updated version

2. Select uninstaller from the sidebar 

3. Click on view Applications

4. Select the apps that you want to delete

5. Click on uninstall

3. How to uninstall apps on Mac with Launchpad?

Launchpad allows you to uninstall apps, but not all of them. Unlike an iPhone, you can only delete some specific apps through Launchpad. 

1. Download the Launchpad on your Mac

2. Hold on to the application that you want to delete

3. The icons will be jiggle

4. Click on the application, and it will be successfully deleted. 

4. How to uninstall apps on Mac with Terminal?

To remove the application, you must write the codes on the terminal. This powerful tool requires you to understand commands. 

1. Open Finder 

2. Click on Applications 

3. Then, click on Utilities 

4. Click on terminal

5. Type the following command: sudo uninstall file://

6. Drag the app icon into the Terminal to automatically update the path.

7. Press Return 

8. Input the admin password when requested

Why is Uninstalling Apps Important on Mac?

Uninstalling apps is important because it frees up disk space on the Mac. Large applications contain large disk space, which can be used for valuable applications. If you uninstall unwanted applications, you can form storage for new files, downloads, and other applications.

Moreover, privacy and security are of other importance. Many applications need to be used but contain our data. It is better to uninstall them and keep your data safe and secure. Removing unused apps can also allow you to quickly reach the desired application. It also helps your Mac run smoothly. 

Things To Consider Before Uninstalling Programs on Mac

There are many things to consider before uninstalling programs on Mac, such as their importance. The application’s importance is the first and most important thing to consider before uninstalling. If the application contains your data, do not uninstall it without emptying it. Remove all the important information from the app, log out, and then remove it. 

Moreover, applications contain important documents, files, and settings. Many applications are dependable on the main application, which can cause an issue if you delete it. So, choose and uninstall applications wisely. If you are uninstalling a major application, always have its backup. It allows you to restore the system and data once it is deleted. 

Many third-party applications are used to delete your application. Some of the third parties contain your data and information. It can lead you to trouble, so use only third-party applications that are either popular or have reputative backgrounds. 

Final Line

Before, how to uninstall apps on Mac was a big question. However, following these methods can easily delete applications from your device. They are easy to use and risk-free. But before installing any application, check its importance, dependability, privacy, and security.

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